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Environmental Noise Monitoring

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We provide sampling and consultancy services throughout the UK and Ireland


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How it works

About this service

What is Environmental Noise Monitoring?

Environmental Noise Monitoring (ENM) is a crucial process for assessing and managing environmental Noise pollution noise in various environments. This can be from urban areas to industrial zones and natural habitats. It involves deploying specialized acoustic sensors to collect continuous or periodic data. This is then analysed to identify sources, track trends, and evaluate the effectiveness of mitigation strategies.

Key objectives of Environmental Noise Monitoring include:

1. Noise Assessment:

  • Measuring and characterizing noise levels in specific locations.
  • Identifying sources.
  • Determining the impact on the environment and human health.

2. Noise Modelling:

  • Generating maps to visualize distribution across a wider area.
  • Identifying hotspots.
  • Understanding the relationship between noise sources and receptors.

3. Noise Source Identification:

  • Tracing the origin of noise.
  • Pinpointing specific sources that contribute to excessive noise.
  • Providing evidence for regulatory compliance.

4. Noise Mitigation Planning:

  • Developing and evaluating mitigation strategies, such as
  • Noise barriers.
  • Traffic calming measures.
  • Soundproofing materials.
  • Reduce levels and protect sensitive areas.

5. Monitoring Noise Compliance:

  • Ensuring compliance with regulations and ordinances by regularly measuring noise levels and documenting compliance records.

6. Public Awareness and Education:

Providing information to the public, raising awareness about noise pollution issues, and also promoting sustainable practices to reduce noise.

Environmental Noise Monitoring plays a vital role in safeguarding the environment, promoting public health, and enhancing the quality of life in communities affected by excessive noise pollution. By providing comprehensive data and analysis, ENM enables informed decision-making and effective mitigation measures, ensuring a more harmonious coexistence between human activities and the environment.


What are the benefits of carrying out an Environmental Noise Monitoring?

ENM plays a pivotal role in addressing the growing concerns about noise pollution, offering a range of benefits that contribute to a healthier, more sustainable environment and enhanced quality of life. Benefits such as:

Reduced Noise Pollution:

ENM provides the essential data to identify and prioritize sources, enabling targeted mitigation strategies. By reducing excessive noise, Environmental Noise Monitoring helps protect the environment from the detrimental effects of noise pollution, such as habitat disturbance for wildlife, damage to ecosystems, and interference with natural soundscapes.

Improved Public Health:

Excessive exposure has significant negative impacts on human health, such as sleep disturbances, stress, hearing loss, and cardiovascular problems. Noise Monitoring helps to assess and mitigate levels in residential areas, schools, hospitals, and other sensitive environments, promoting better sleep, reducing stress, and protecting public health.

Enhanced Quality of Life:

Environmental Noise Monitoring contributes to a more enjoyable and peaceful living environment by reducing annoyance and promoting community well-being. It also supports sustainable urban development by discouraging excessive noise generation and promoting noise-reducing practices.


Specific Benefits of Environmental Noise Monitoring:

1. Noise Mapping:

ENM generates maps that visualize noise distribution across a wider area, identifying hotspots and informing mitigation efforts.

2. Noise Source Tracking:

ENM helps to pinpoint specific sources, enabling targeted noise mitigation measures and reducing the impact on sensitive areas.

3. Compliance Assessment:

Monitoring facilitates compliance with regulations and ordinances by providing data to demonstrate levels and adherence to legal requirements.

4. Community Engagement:

Monitoring empowers communities to understand issues, participate in mitigation decisions, and advocate for a healthier environment.

5. Technology Advancements:

Continuous technological advancements in Noise Monitoring equipment and data analysis techniques are enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of noise monitoring programs. In conclusion, ENM is a valuable tool for addressing the multifaceted challenges of noise pollution. By providing data-driven insights, Environmental Noise Monitoring empowers decision-makers, communities, and individuals to take effective action to reduce noise, improve public health, and enhance the quality of life for all.


What Environmental Noise Measurements can Synergy Help with?

Synergy Environmental Solutions can offer Environmental Noise Services in the following areas.

BS4142 2019 Methods for Rating and Assessing Industrial and Commercial Sound

BS4142 is a British Standard that provides guidelines and methods for assessing and rating industrial and commercial sound. It offers a framework for evaluating the impact of noise generated by industrial and commercial activities on nearby environments and communities. The standard outlines procedures for measuring sound levels, considering factors such as duration, frequency, and character of noise, and assessing its potential effects on nearby receivers.

BS4142:2019 specifically updates and revises the previous edition of the standard to ensure it remains relevant and effective in managing noise-related issues caused by industrial and commercial operations. It aims to provide a systematic and standardized approach for evaluating noise, enabling organizations and authorities to assess compliance with regulations and take appropriate measures to mitigate any adverse effects on surrounding areas or individuals.

BS 5228-1:2009 Code of practise for noise and vibration control on construction and open sites – Noise

The key aspects covered by BS 5228-1:2009 are:

Noise Management: It offers guidance on assessing, managing, and mitigating noise generated by construction activities. This includes recommendations on control measures, suitable equipment, and techniques to minimize noise emissions during different phases of construction.

Impact Assessment: The standard provides methodologies for conducting impact assessments, which involve evaluating potential noise levels from construction activities and assessing their potential impact on the surrounding environment and nearby residents or sensitive receptors.

Regulatory Compliance: It helps construction organizations understand and comply with legal requirements and regulations related to noise emissions on construction and open sites.

Mitigation Strategies: Suggestions and strategies are provided for reducing or controlling noise, which might involve selecting quieter machinery, employing barriers or sound insulation, implementing work schedules that minimize noise during sensitive times, and adopting other practices to limit propagation.

Best Practices: It outlines best practices for noise monitoring, documentation, and reporting to ensure that construction activities are conducted in a manner that minimizes disruptions caused by noise pollution.

Overall, BS 5228-1:2009 serves as a comprehensive guideline for construction companies, engineers, local authorities, and other stakeholders involved in construction projects to manage and mitigate the impact of noise generated by construction activities on the surrounding environment and communities.

Case Studies

Electrolyser Manufacturer

Synergy Environmental Solutions Limited was appointed by a company that produces Hydrogen production electrolysers, Hydrogen refueling Stations and energy storage applications.

A BS4142:2014+A1:2019 survey was undertaken to assess the likely impact of a planned power system stabilizer (PSS) substation at the company’s premises.

The results of the study indicated that the installation of the power transformer in the PSS Substation was highly unlikely to cause adverse impact to those at the nearest noise sensitive receivers.

Road Contractor company

Synergy Environmental Solutions Limited was appointed by a Road Contractor company to undertake an environmental noise survey at the company’s Norfolk site. The results of this survey were used to conduct a BS 4142:2014+A1:2019 Methods for Rating and Assessing Industrial and Commercial Sound assessment.

The purpose of the survey was to assess and rate the noise produced from the Road Patch Mixing Plant and also to determine the likely effects of the noise on people who might be inside or outside a residential dwelling in the vicinity of the plant.

The measured residual sound level was higher than the recorded ambient sound levels for tanker unloading and the operation of the road patch mixing plant, indicating that adverse impact was highly unlikely.

Recycling Company

Synergy Environmental Solutions Limited was appointed a recycling company to undertake an environmental noise survey to BS4142:2014 Methods for Rating and Assessing Industrial and Commercial Sound at the company’s site.

The purpose of the survey was to predict and rate the noise produced by a new Refrigeration Recycling Warehouse and to ascertain whether this would have an adverse effect on nearby residents.

The results of calculations show that the specific sound of the plant was 11dB below the night-time background sound level, and 19dB below the daytime background sound level. As a result of these calculations, it was predicted that adverse impact is highly unlikely.


Synergy uses Cirrus Optimus green advanced environmental monitoring equipment which is built to meet IEC 61672 and is ideal for measuring environmental noise from construction sites and industrial processes. The meters can measure key measurements such as sound pressure level (SPL), Leq, Peak, and TWA/Dose. Additional measurement options encompass 1:1 and/or 1:3 octave band filters, tonal noise identification, Ln values, and on-screen NR/NC curves. The meter is also equipped with integrated logging facilities and data analysis software, that provide valuable actionable insights.

Synergy Environmental Solutions assists its clients to comply with regulations and ordinances by providing a range of services, such as:

Compliance assistance

  1. Identifying and understanding applicable regulations:
  • Conducting a thorough review of relevant regulations and ordinances applicable to the client’s location and activities.
  • Identifying specific noise limits and requirements for different time periods, such as daytime, nighttime, and weekends.
  • Understanding the enforcement mechanisms and penalties for non-compliance.


  1. Measuring and documenting noise levels:
  • Deploying specialized acoustic sensors to collect noise data at strategic locations around the client’s premises or project site.
  • Employing advanced data acquisition and processing software to generate accurate and detailed records.
  • Documenting data in compliance with regulatory requirements, including timestamps, location information, and noise level values.


  1. Analysing data and identifying sources:
  • Analysing noise data to identify hotspots and patterns of levels over time.
  • Using source identification techniques, such as acoustic fingerprinting, to pinpoint specific sources.
  • Recommending appropriate mitigation measures based on the identified sources.


  1. Developing and implementing noise mitigation plans:
  • Collaborating with clients to develop comprehensive mitigation plans that address the identified sources.
  • Recommending and designing noise mitigation measures, such as barriers, traffic calming measures, or soundproofing materials.
  • Assisting clients in obtaining necessary permits and approvals for mitigation projects.


  1. Monitoring levels and compliance:
  • Conducting regular monitoring checks to ensure compliance with regulations and ordinances.
  • Comparing noise levels to historical data to track progress and identify any potential issues.
  • Providing regular reports or data summaries to clients to inform their noise management efforts.


  1. Providing expert guidance and advice:
  • Offering expert consultation to clients on noise regulations, mitigation strategies, and compliance procedures.
  • Assisting clients in resolving complaints and addressing issues proactively.
  • Representing clients in noise-related legal matters or disputes.

By providing these comprehensive services, Synergy Environmental Solutions helps its clients establish sound management practices, maintain compliance with regulations, and also to contribute to a more peaceful and healthier environment.


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Call or email us today about Environmental Noise. We are here to help!

Did you know that as well as Environmental Noise Monitoring, Synergy also provides workplace noise monitoring, Hand Arm Vibration Monitoring and Whole Body Vibration monitoring.

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Environmental Noise Monitoring

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Synergy Environmental Solutions provide
sampling and consultancy services
throughout the UK and Ireland

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